Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thunderstorms and Fireworks

With the recent thunderstorms, I thought it would be a good time to talk about noise phobias.

Many dogs have phobias of loud noises such as thunderstorms and fireworks. This can show up in behaviours such as shaking and nervousness for the more mild cases, through to destructive and escaping behaviours for the more severe cases. I have seen some animals end up with quite severe injuries after they panic with loud noises, so it is a problem that needs to be taken seriously.

During a thunderstorm, it is important to act normally. If you act nervous or try to comfort the dog, they will pick up on the changes in body language and this can increase their stress levels. Also try putting on a radio or television to help drown out the noise of the thunder or fireworks.

Desensitisation to loud noises can work well in many cases. CD’s of thunderstorm and fireworks noise can be purchased, which can be played at gradually increasing volumes to get the dog used to the sounds. This can eventually “cure” the phobia once the dog realises the noises are harmless.

There is a new product available called a “Thundershirt”. This is a specially designed, tight fitting shirt that can make the dog feel much more secure. The shirt is applied at the first signs of a storm, and can work in around 80% of cases.

For the more severe cases, we often find that medication is required. The older style medications that used to be prescribed were heavy sedatives. These worked well to stop the dog escaping or injuring itself, but did little to stop the anxiety and fear. We now tend to use medications that combine a sedative and anti-anxiety effect, as this protects the dog as well as easing the dog’s distress.

If you need further advice about noise phobias or any other stress related problems, please contact us at the Bunbury Vet Clinic.

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